Equipment Removal & Storage
Our team offers comprehensive equipment removal and storage services for your commercial kitchen. We provide:
- Skilled technicians for safe disconnection and removal
- Proper protection and transportation
- Secure storage in our 30,000 sq. ft. temperature-controlled facility
Your equipment will be carefully cataloged and insured while in our care. We offer flexible storage durations to meet your needs. Storage fees are based on job scope and size.

Equipment Removal & Storage
Equipment Return and Reinstallation is easy:
- Full-service delivery back to your location
- Safe loading, protection, and transport
- Complete hook-up and testing of each piece
- Verification of proper operating status
Note: Some equipment may require licensed electrician or plumber assistance
Equipment Removal & Storage
Don’t risk spoilage. Our reliable refrigeration rentals safeguard your inventory during emergencies or peak seasons.