New Equipment

New Equipment

Joe Warren & Sons will gladly provide you with a proposal to purchase and deliver new equipment. Our strong relationships with many manufacturers, equipment dealers and local vendors allow us to offer competitive pricing on some of the industry’s most notable brands. These quote requests can be prompted by:

  1. One of our service visits, in which our technicians will take note of all electrical info, unit dimensions, space limitations, facility layout and ventilation, followed by a detailed proposal from one of our office staff members, who will research a different brand or model if requested,
  2. A request from a PM client, which can be as simple as the client providing our office with the JWS Unit # posted on the equipment, or
  3. If you have a specific model #, then we can provide you with the purchase and delivery of that specific model (a pre-site visit is often required if installation of the new equipment is also desired).

If you’d like to fill out a quote request form, please click here.

JWS proudly provides installation services for the equipment that you purchase though us, which is a competitive advantage that online vendors and virtual warehouses do not offer. The benefits of having a JWS team member install your new equipment can be seen on our “Installations” Service Page.

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